Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Leaving St Andrews

On Friday, we leave St Andrews to head down South (in stages), before returning to Australia. We have an overnight stay in a small village south of Edinburgh, and then drive to Windermere on Saturday.
A Last Look at the Garden

Judi & Car

The weather this week has returned to summer, so we decided to take some photos of the car and the garden. During the past few weeks the gardener has been working very hard on the flower beds and they are starting to look very pretty.

This week has been distinguished by the inclusion of all the graduation ceremonies for the University of St Andrews. The ceremonies themselves (8 in all, two a day from Tuesday to Friday) take place in the building opposite our house and we get a bird's eye view of it all. What we didn't realise though was that, at the end of the proceedings, everyone parades down North Street with a bagpiper at the front and rear of the procession.

Front of Graduation Procession
The Procession Grows
Yesterday we heard the piper start up, but, by the time we realised what was about to happen, we missed the chance to take pictures. This morning, Lloyd visited the library, and as he came into the house, he annouced that there was a piper in full regalia opposite. We rushed out just in time to witness the whole procession. The pictures below give some idea of what it was like.
...and Grows
...and Grows
Rear Guard Piper

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