Monday 26 March 2012

Arrived in St Andrews

Gate into Garden & Cobwebs
Back of Cobwebs from Garden
The house we have rented here in St Andrews is very typical. It is part of a terrace of 3 storey stone houses in one of the main streets (although not a shopping street).

We have the top two floors with a separate entrance and private walled garden. The living areas - lounge, dining area and kitchen - are upstairs on the top floor. Two bedrooms, a study (with shower and toilet) and the main bathroom are on the lower of the floors.

View of Garden from Patio
Lloyd on Patio
We woke today to a cool clear morning with the sun breaking through. By mid-morning it was a glorious spring day and Lloyd and I went for a walk around St Andrews. The sun was quite hot on our backs despite it only being late March. In fact it was so warm and sunny that we had lunch outside on the patio by our front door.

Judi on Patio
This afternoon Lloyd and I drove to Dundee over the Tay Bridge. This bridge is much longer than we imagined, and the centre of Dundee is more or less immediately at the end of the bridge. On the way we passed the nearest train station to St Andrews, called Leuchars. The mainline trains pass though this rather small village in the middle of nowhere and I will be catching the train to Manchester from Leuchars next week.

Dundee itself is quite large with two shopping precincts. We parked in one and after looking around it, we walked to the other, rather larger centre in the main street.

Tomorrow Lloyd gives his first seminar at 11.00am. He is hoping that he will not be too jet-lagged.

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