Monday 2 April 2012

Palm Sunday & East Neuk Tour of Fishing Villages

Today is Palm Sunday, and since we are living almost next door to an Episcopalian Church (i.e. a Church of England church in Scotland), Judi decided to attend the morning Sung Eucharist at 10.00am.

On arrival, she was presented with a Palm Cross, as had happened last year at Joy's church; but there the similarity between the two occasions ended. This local church conducted the most 'high church' service Judi had ever attended. The clergy blessed the palm crosses at the start with incense, and than the whole congregation processed behind the clergy and choir on a complete circuit of the church while singing the first hymn. The entire service was sung (including all the responses from the congregation); however, the choir was excellent. They sang an anthem, the Agnus Dei and a motet during the service absolutely beautifully. During the preparation for communion, there was a considerable amount of incense released from the swinging censor, the sounding of a bell and the church bell several times. These practices Judi had always thought were confined to the Roman Catholic church, but it did illustrate how close the high church of England is to the Roman Catholic church in terms of practices.

There was no sermon, but the service did not conclude until 11.45am. It was nevertheless an interesting and spiritual experience.

Lloyd at Pittenweem Harbour
After lunch we decided to go along the coast to see some very picturesque fishing villages. This whole area of Fife is known as East Neuk. The first village was called Pittenweem, which had a delightful active fishing harbour (pictured).

Pittenweem Harbour

Judi at Pittenweem Harbour

Beach at Anstruther
We then travelled further along the coast to Anstruther, where we walked along the side of a beach to look back up to the town, before heading back to St Andrews via Crail. We were by now a little too weary to walk down to Crail harbour - perhaps another day, when I return to St Andrews in May.

Anstruther from Coastal Walk

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