Monday 2 April 2012

Saturday Staying Local

Today was the first of the projected cooler days, so we allocated it to household activities like running the washing, visiting the supermarket and a trip into Lloyd's office to see if the network connection was now working so that he can print some documents for Monday afternoon's seminar.

The washing and supermarket trip were successful, although the washing machine and dryer both take much longer to complete a cycle than the ones at Dai Court. Nevertheless, all washing and ironing are now complete in readiness for Judi's departure to Birkenhead on Wednesday.

The trip to the office was not quite as successful. The cable connection still did not work, but we were able to get Lloyd's laptop onto the University of St Andrews secure network. We think that Judi may not have provided the correct Mac address, sowe emailed an alternative in the hope that it can be set up before Judi leaves. Unfortunately, printing over the network depends on being connected on a cable, so Lloyd had to put a USB key into the computer attached to the printer in order to print the documents.

North Point Café

The remainder of the day we spent just wandering around St Andrews and visiting the local shops - of which there are plenty. Very near the house is North Point Café
which has an interesting sign in the window which reads:, 'Where Kate met Wills (for coffee)'.

Pipers Welcoming Guests

One very attractive aspect of Scottish Towns and cities (including St Andrews) is the prevalence of bagpipers. They are not performing as such, but being used to welcome people into hotels and buildings, or in the case of a wedding at the University Chapel yesterday, heralding the arrival of the bride. While we were having afternoon tea yesterday, the pipers in the photo started up across the street to mark the start of some function in the building. It is a strikingly appropriate sound for these contexts.

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