Sunday 27 May 2007

Conference Photos

This is a selection of photos featuring people from the conference. My hope to put up videos though cannot be realised as the files are too big, so I will need to wait until I return to Australia to share them.

The top photo is of Stella. The next is Rochel Gelman (left) & Nancy Nersessian (right). Then Rochel with me. (Unfortunatley the light behind made these two photos look a bit washed out, but I wanted to include them anyway.)

Next is Rochel Gelman with her husband, Randy Gallistel. Below Rochel and Randy is Janet Fodor and then two pictures of Jerry Fodor. Next is Gerd Gigerenza. The first student photo is of Svetlana (a PhD student) who more or less took overall responsibility for the whole conference organisation. The other photo shows the rest of the student 'helpers'. From the left are: Xenia, Konstantinos, Dimitri, and Irini is second from right.

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