Sunday 20 May 2007

News from Dubai

The limo arrived about 10 minutes early to take me to Tullamarine, but I was ready, so decided to leave right away. There was no traffic, and we were there by 7.10pm. After the formalities of check-in and passport control, I made my way to the new, and very splendid Emirates Lounge.

I went to the Business Centre and had just got into my email when 'I' was called to the desk. To be exact they actually asked for 'Mr Humberstone' which was a little disconcerting, but it just turned out that our name is too long and the 's' hadn't fitted. Anyway, the reason for my being called was to upgrade me to 1st class. This was excellent news as it is a 14 hour flight and there would no be some chance of getting sleep in the fully reclining flat bed! Naturally I was also a little alarmed when I was initially called as I didn't know why I could be needed.

We boarded on time (1st class through a completely different door) and I found my allocated seat. The seats in 1st class are arranged in a 1-2-1 configuration, so I had a seat (or cubicle to be more precise) all on my own alongside 4 windows. One is completely unaware of people in front or behind as there is a screen separating each compartment from the one behind. There were also no overhead lockers in 1st class - all carry-on luggage is accommodated in pockets in the seating compartment itself. This is very useful as it is much easier to get things like glasses out quickly.

The flight started with a meal which one could have at any time, but as it was 9.30pm I wanted to have it as soon as possible so that I could sleep. It was delicious, little appetizers with a distinctly Indian flavour (i.e. spicy potato and peas deep fried, chilli prawn on a stick and some chicken which was also spicy on a stick) followed by rock lobster, Greek salad and (for me) the low calorie steamed chicken breast served with a dill sauce, vegetables and new potatoes. The chicken was amazingly moist and tasted very good. I abandoned desert in favour of sleep. They provided pyjamas and the cubicle doors could be slid shut to give full privacy. I closed my doors, put the 'do not disturb' light on outside, reclined my seat into a bed and settled down to sleep. I was a little chilly, but when I examined the pockets near me, I found a doona and extra blanket. I unwrapped the doona and was then very snug indeed.

I slept for 8 hours - not completely continuously as I was disturbed occasionally by the request to fasten seat belts, but basically, I had a good night's sleep. Breakfast was also excellent. I had a very tasty mushroom omelette with sun-dried tomatoes, asparagus (blanched and quite crisp still) and lyonnaise potatoes.

I am now in Dubai. There was 4-hours between landing here and my flight to Athens, so I spent the first hour doing circuits of the airport to stretch my legs and looking at the Duty Free. I then made my way to the Business Class Lounge which was hopelessly overcrowded when I got here, but is now relatively empty as the London (and other North European destination) flights have departed.

My flight to Athens will be called soon and I will be on my way again.

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