Tuesday 22 May 2007

View from my room in Delphi

As promised, I am including a picture of the view from the balcony outside my room in Delphi. This is an exquisite setting to have a conference.

Today the first of the conference participants will arrive in a few hours time. We are currently very busy setting up everything in preparation. My job in all this was to get the registration laptop set up onto the Internet and connected to a printer.

Neither of these tasks proved to be straight forward. The printer drivers needed to be downloaded from the Internet, the computer needed to be configured to access the wireless and the wireless network itself was set in such a way that it didn't allow open access. I needed to work backwards: first, configure the computer to be able to see wireless connections. The instructions for doing this included accessing the Microsoft website. In the end, I went back up to the Guest House part of the conference venue, where access was open, to use my own laptop to get the instructions for configuring the other computer. Once configured, I was able to get it onto the Internet in the Guest House and then downloaded the drivers. By this time, the technicians had sorted out open access in the conference centre and I returned to set up the printer. As I speak (write) all is now operational - the computer is on the network and the printer has successfully printed a test page.

I hope to walk into Delphi itself this afternoon as the conference will start tomorrow and it will not be easy to take the time out
to make the trip I expect.

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