Sunday 27 May 2007

Friday at the conference

We have had a curious couple of days weather-wise. As I said yesterday it teemed down with rain several times during the day causing the trip to the site to be cancelled.

Today started cool and with drizzle, but Gerd (and also Robert Young) and I walked to the archeological site anyway. It was a mix of low cloud and sunshine while we were there. It is all on the side of the mountain and I walked over 15,000 steps to climb right up to the running track which was the highest point. The Temple of Apollo was very impressive though and I felt definitely enlightened by the oracle while there! Maybe that is what all the presented of keynotes have been doing before talking. We also visited the museum and then came back in time for Stella's symposium at 12 noon.

This afternoon has been sunny and warm and the temperatures are now predicted to rise into the high 20s.

Rather than talking more about the archeological site, I will include some photos to show it. You can see though that we were in some low cloud for a good deal of the visit.

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